
Launching the SpaceSuite-Ô R&D project

The SpaceSuite team is glad to thank Région Occitanie (RO) and the European Union (EU) for their support and confidence into the SpaceSuite initiative through the SpaceSuite-Ô project.

In the frame of an industry-research partnership between Artenum and ONERA, SpaceSuite-Ô is a 30 months R&D project started in November 2018. This R&D activity constitutes a major and strategic investment in space environment effects analysis both for Artenum and ONERA.

This project is co-funded by the Recherche et Société(s) RO program and by the EU FEDER program. Artenum thanks as well Région Occitanie for its additional support through a complementary support convention.

An intensive R&D development activity will be performed to improve space environment effects modelling and analysis, especially in the fields of charging, radiations and contaminations. This effort should lead to reinforce the expertise of the team by the integration of new profiles into the team.

SPIS Training – Focus on Electric Propulsion Spring 2019 session

The New Year is coming and the SpaceSuite team would like to propose a spring session for the “SPIS Training – Focus on Electric Propulsion”. This course will be held from March 25th to March 27th, 2019 at ONERA Toulouse (France).

This course will mainly focus on the modelling of electrical thruster plumes, including their effects on space systems, and the new capabilities of the last SPIS Release candidate version 6.0.0 available on SPIS website website, aka SPIS-EP.

The course is articulated into complementary subparts:

  • Because electrical thruster modelling involves complex processes and detailed physics, a first part will aim to speed up the learning curve of new SPIS users, master the specificities of spacecraft surface charging modeling at GEO and LEO, and push further the understanding of the underlying physics
  •  Present in details the modelling capabilities related to electric propulsion effects of SPIS-EP and introduce to the related physical processes. Examples of application cases on Hall-effect thrusters will be presented and discussed in more details

The course will associate theoretical presentations and detailed practical works. This training is dedicated to both new and experienced SPIS users. However, it is outlined that involved mechanisms require a good knowledge in plasma physics and in the use of SPIS is strongly recommended.

This session will take place at ONERA Toulouse
2 avenue Edouard Belin,
31000 Toulouse

Also note that for this training course, an early bird discount will be offered. Any registration ordered before the 11th of February 2019 will benefit from a 10% discount. Registration will be closed on the 11th of March 2019.

Please note that in order to provide a quality training with more instructor-student interaction, the total number of attendees per session is limited. Fee reductions are offered for group registration of several students to the same session, provided that they are submitted on the same order. The fee includes lunches, coffee breaks and access to computers for the training. Travelling and accommodation are at the student’s expense.

Feel free to contact us to obtain our Detailed Offer and Pricing (DOP) document.

Important dates:

Early bird registration deadlineFebruary 11, 2019
Registration deadlineMarch 11, 2019
Training datesMarch 25-27, 2019

Cubesat special Winter School 2018

This is the back-to-school season and the SpaceSuite / SPIS-Services team would like to propose a winter session for the “SPIS Hands-On and application to GEO/LEO”. This SPIS GEO/LEO course will be held on the 3rd and 4th of December 2018 at ONERA Toulouse (France).

The aim of this course is to introduce new users to the SPIS software and master the specifics required for modelling spacecraft charging in GEO and LEO environment. It offers a deeper focus on setting numerical global parameters for a finer control and optimisation of the simulation, especially in GEO and LEO environments. Basic knowledge on plasma physics, space environment and scientific computing are prerequisites for this training.

In the frame of this session, a special attention will be put on the modelling of cubesats and small structures in LEO. Specific practical works will be proposed.

This session will take place at ONERA Toulouse
2 avenue Edouard Belin,
31000 Toulouse

Also note that for this training course, an early bird discount will be offered. Any registration ordered before the 28th of October 2018 will benefit from a 10% discount. Registration will be closed on the 25th of November 2018.

Please note that in order to provide a quality training with more instructor-student interaction, the total number of attendees per session is limited. Fee reductions are offered for group registration of several students to the same session, provided that they are submitted on the same order. The fee includes lunches, coffee breaks and access to computers for the training. Travelling and accommodation are at the student’s expense.

Feel free to contact us to obtain our Detailed Offer and Pricing (DOP) document.

Important dates:

Early bird registration deadlineOctober 28, 2018
Registration deadlineNovember 25, 2018
Training datesDecember 03-04, 2018

New tools for radiation analysis: EDGE 2.2.0 and MoʘRa 2.0.0

The SpaceSuite team is pleased to announce the extension of its commercial offer with the release of a new and self-consistent set of modelling tools to handle the whole radiations analysis process: the CAD editor EDGE 2.2.0 and the radiation transport analysis tool MoʘRa 2.0.0.

  • EDGE (ExtendeD Gdml Editor) is an easy-to-use GDML editor developed by Artenum and allowing to load and edit GDML geometries. It provides a powerful and flexible CSG model, fully compliant with the GDML CAD format, used by numerous particle-matter interactions analysis tools based on the GEANT-4 library.

    EDGE has been designed with the idea to facilitate the edition or creation of GDML files. EDGE also allows editing and attributing material properties. On top of handling several-layer hierarchy and a large range of shapes (geometric shapes, tessellated solids, assemblies…), EDGE offers various additional tools to detect overlap between geometries, to compute system volumes and masses, to check and reorganise the hierarchy of shapes…

    For more information on this software, please consult the EDGE web page.

  • MoʘRa (Modelling Of Radiations) is a user-friendly and easy-to-use software that helps modelling the radiations transport using GEANT-4 based models. As of today, MoORa is interfaced with the GRAS tool (GEANT4 Radiation Analysis for Space) developed by ESA.

    MoORa allows the analysis of radiations transport in 3D geometrical models. The definition of the geometry may be in GDML format and can be realised by using EDGE. MoORa allows the setting of a GEANT-4 based model through several parameters such as the definition of the source and the Gmsh scoring in which the results of Total Ionising Dose (TID) should be computed.

    Once all these parameters are defined, MoORa generates a macro file containing the necessary GEANT-4 command lines to perform a radiation analysis (.mac file for example). This file is editable and the user can modify or add some command lines if needed. At the end of the simulation, the user can visualise in 3D its results through the post processing panel.

    Please notice that the ESA/GRAS kernel is not provided by SpaceSuite and a request should be addressed directly to ESA. Please contact us for further information.

    For more information about its functionalities, please consult MoORa web page.

Both of these applications are available through an end-user license or assistance contracts. For more information about prices and applicable reductions, do not hesitate to contact us or to request to receive our DOP (Detailed Offer and Pricing) document.

New SpaceSuite “Radiations and Internal Charging” training

Artenum and ONERA teams wish you a happy new year 2018, hoping to continue to answer conveniently to your needs.

We are pleased to announce that, owing to the success of SPIS-Services and due to the evolution of the needs of space industry and research, Artenum and ONERA have created a new partnership called SpaceSuite. This new commercial offer proposes a multi-physics software suite and a pool of scientific expertise, allowing the user to study and model the effects of space environment on a spacecraft. It is providing trainings, assistance contracts and advanced studies in both simple and multi-physics approaches.

SpaceSuite regroups several physical thematic such as radiations, spacecraft charging, multipactor effect… In this frame, please note that the commercial offers of SPIS-Services are integrated into SpaceSuite. The SPIS-Services website as you know it is still available at

In the frame of this new commercial offer, a new training session entitled “SpaceSuite Radiations and Internal Charging course” will be held on the 26th and 27th of March 2018 at ONERA Toulouse (France). This new training course will focus on the use of SpaceSuite numerical tools to model radiations and internal charging effects inside sensitive components. For more information about the content of this course, please consult the enclosed training program.

Please note that for this training course, an early bird fee will be established. Any registration to this training ordered before the 16th of February 2018 will beneficiate from a 10% discount. Registration will be closed on the 12th of March 2018.

For more information on SpaceSuite, contact us at contact [at] or through the contact form in order to receive our DOP (Detailed Offer and Pricing) document.


Best regards,


The SpaceSuite team